The WingMakers are aspects of the human race who exist approximately 750 years in our future. They represent a version
of humanity that has comprehension of the universal systems that govern existence, and in particular the laws of space and
time. Because of this understanding they are able to travel back in time and are interacting with us at crucial intervals
to assist our understanding of the cosmological factors of transformation. They have planted 7 time capsules on the planet
for timely discovery, to assist us in this process. For direct access to the information, you can link up here with
Wingmaker Tactics
Most people say that
you have to die to get your wings, ITS NOT TRUE, below are some exercises that you can do, but first, lets open your wings.
of the wings~
Visual Exercise Step One First i want you to get comfortable and relax.
Step Two Next
i want you to close your eyes and visualize that you are standing at the edge of a very high cliff face.
Step Three
Next look over the edge of the cliff face and i want you to notice how far down the drop is. As you are looking over the
cliff face you hear a sound behind you I want you to turn around. Standing behind you are the seven meridian wingmakers.
Four Now i want you to ask the Wingmaker that wrote this exercise to come and stand next to you. As you hear him approach
you he greets you then he takes your hand.
Step Five Now i want you to listen to me. It is the belief of the world
today that we must die to get our wings. Well what i'm saying to you is this is not true you already have your wings.
Six I want you to visualize that you have beautiful white wings exiting the upper part of your back between you shoulder
Step Seven Now i want you to walk with me over the edge of the cliff face. But at the same time i want
you to remember that this is a visual exercise you are safe.
Step Eight As you walk over the edge of the cliff
face i want you to see and feel those wings expanding out so that they hold you up in mid air.
Step Nine Now i
say to you This is were it begins well done end of exercise my friend. You may now open your eyes. WELL DONE
A wingmaker never thinks about falling off the cliff face because the wingmaker has faith in his wings remember that always.
VISUAL EXERCISE STEP ONE First stand up in the middle of a room.
close your eyes and visualize the temple of meridia. It should look like a stone pyramid. Then in your own time approach the
doorway of the temple and enter.
STEP THREE As you enter the temple you will see a circle on the floor in the
middle of the temple and around the circle there are five pillars. Each pillar holds one of the meridian energies and one
symbol of the meridian on it. And at the center of the circle there is a small flat stone this is where you must stand during
this charging technique.
STEP FOUR Now see yourself standing on the stone at the center of the circle and have
your hands down by your side.
STEP FIVE Then visualize yourself pushing energy out your left hand around in front
of you and around to your right hand. Then push that energy around behind you and back to your left hand forming a energy
circle surrounding your body.
STEP SIX Then expand the energy circle till it reaches the pillar of the meridia
and makes contact with them. This will activate the meridian circle. At this point in time it will look as if the pillars
of the meridia are spinning around in a clockwise motion
STEP SEVEN Now ask the circle of meridia to charge your
energy system.
STEP EIGHT Then as you stand on the stone in the middle of the temple you will see the pillars
starting to spin faster. Don't worry this means they are mixing your energy and the meridian energies together. As they mix
the energy will spin out the top of the pillars and back into your physical body charging your energy system.
NINE When the meridian energies have finished with the charging thank them for their gift.
STEP TEN Then you
can leave the temple of meridia and open your eyes.
EXERCISE STEP ONE First stand up in the middle of the room with your hands out by your side.
close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of you physical body and as your visual body is standing there
see your visual body transforming into the light being.
STEP THREE Then visualize that there is a spiral of light
energy running from just above your head down to the base of your feet in a clockwise motion around your visual body.
FOUR Then visualize a second spiral of light energy running up from the point at the base of your feet to the point just
above your head in a anti clockwise motion on your visual body.
STEP FIVE Then visualize that the two spirals
are accelerating to the point were your core star (Light energy) expands out in a wave of energy out from your body a distance
of about one kilometre away from where you are.
STEP SIX Then visualize the energy wave is spinning back about
one meter and see it stop there.
STEP SEVEN Then visualize that this light energy wave is gathering light energy
from all the living manifestations in a one kilometre radius from were you are.
STEP EIGHT Then see this light
energy wave spinning back into your physical body and charging your energy system.
STEP NINE Then feel the energy
wave at your centre where your core star is.
STEP TEN Then spread this light energy through out your energy system
and your physical body. How do you feel? Then in your own time open your eyes.
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