Now it is time to teach you a very important and powerful Ritual called the
Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram...
This ritual will surround and protect you with the power of the Almighty
aspects of God and his Archangels. This ritual should be done every day in the morning and at the end of the day. Try not
to do it right before bed , because it will energize you to where you won't be able to go to sleep. This ritual is exactly
what it says... it banishes all spirits or influences good or bad that may be around you. It gives you an open channel to
God with no interference! When you do this you are in the presence of God! So treat it with respect. After a period of time
you will notice a difference in your life. You will have that Glow! It strengthens your Aura so that you are like a shinning
sun. This ritual is also one of the first ones you would do after conjuring a spirit or using the Ouija board.
Now... Take your dagger and stand facing the east. Place the dagger in your right hand and follow the
next steps.
1. Touch you forehead and vibrate the name (ah-tah).
2. Touch the dagger to your chest and vibrate the
name (mahl-koot).
3 .Touch your right shoulder and vibrate name (Vih-G'boo-rah)
4. Touch your left shoulder and vibrate
the name (Vih-G'doo-Lah)
5. Fold your hands at chest and point them forward with the dagger pointing the same direction.
Vibrate (Leh-Oh-Lahm)
6. Keep hands folded and point them up with dagger pointing the same direction. Vibrate the word
7. Stay facing the east and trace a pentagram as big as you can in the direction that the diagram below shows...
Start here at the bottom left hand corner... Imagine that as you trace this pentagram it is done in blue
flame. So you now have a flaming blue pentagram. Thrust at the middle of the pentagram with the dagger and vibrate the sacred
name (Yud-Heh-Vahv-Heh)
8. From that point trace a single line in white fire to the South. By this time you should be
facing south. Each time you trace a new pentagram, make sure that you are facing the direction that you are pointing in. Now
that you are facing south, trace a pentagram in blue flame. Thrust at the middle and vibrate the sacred name (Ah-Doh-Nye)
9. Repeat this tracing your line to theWest. Thrust at the pentagram and vibrate the sacred name (Eh-Hehee-Yeh)
Repeat once again this time to the North.Thrusting once again vibrate the sacred name (Ah-Glah) Now trace a line back to theEast
to finish off the circle.
***You now have 4 blue flaming pentagrams and a circle of white fire surrounding you.***
.Stretch your arms straight out to the sides and say...
Before me Ra-Fay-El behind me Gab-Ray-El at my right hand
Mih-Chai-El at my left hand Ar-Ree-El around me flames the Pentagram within me shines the six ray star. Visualize theseArchangels
standing a good 9 feet tall surrounding you. Believe me, they are there. Imagine seeing this six rayed star shining in the
middle of your chest. This star is the Hexagram the same shape as the "Star of David".
12. Repeat steps 1-6 and you are
You are now protected by the Power of God and hisArchangels. All spirits that may have been around you are now banished.
You are now in the presence of God. If you been conjuring up some type of spirit or have been using the Ouija board, you will
want to use this ritual at the end of your Practices. This ritual should be done every day just to protect you and build up
yourAura. There are psychic Vampires out there that looking to drain the energy out of the unepexting victim. This is a very
simple ritual so memorize it, and do it well