Ki Warriors- The Shinobi Of Ki energy.

White Magick
Art Of Ki Energy
Black Majik
White Magick
Art Of Jing
Art Of Mana
Art Of Psi
Ninjitsu-Weapon Use.
Astral Projection.
Other Topics.
Art Of Ninjitsu-Jutsu

When to do magick
This applies to majik as well
Both the moon and the day of the week have meanings. Don't worry about trying to make them both match up, just pick one and work with it.

New Moon (1 day before and 1 day after): rituals about beginnings (blessing a new job, a new home, or a new born baby), love/romance (creating a new relationship), health (especially improving, not healing).

Waxing (growing moon, lasts for about 13 days): inspiration (like for reports or making techs), love/friendship (growing closer to someone you're already close to), prosperity, happiness.

Full Moon (1 day before and 1 day after): healing, predictions, granting wishes, money, strength.

Waxing (shrinking moon, lasts for about 13 days): breaking curses, anything with negative powers (making them or getting rid of them, getting rid of addictions, and anything about "undoing" stuff

Sunday: healing, comfort
Monday: beginnings, work, family/close friends
Tuesday: courage, strength, lust
Wednesday: learning, communication (with spirits or with other people. do it before you give a presentation!), self development (great for sub-c and energy work)
Thursday: wealth, happiness, material things
Friday: love, fun
Saturday: ending things, leaving, rituals to help make a decision.

Candle Colors
White: healing, peace, truthfulness, spiritual strength (if your ki gets drained too), beating fear or doubt
Yellow: active things, creativity, happiness, intelligence.
Pink: romance, love, friendship.
Red: passion, health, love, strength, courage, power
purple: strength, success, healing, meditation, protection of places (like a house)
Brown: concentration, money success, getting/finding things that were lost or stolen
Dark blue: break curses
light blue: wisdom, success, happiness, harmony
medium blue: peace, protection during sleep.
black: banishing, protection, majik curses (making them and getting rid of them)
orange: encouragement, strengthens the influence of other candles.

Warmth Spell
While thinking of some source of heat (a fireplace, a bonfire, the sun etc.) chant (if you are of the fire element):

"I am warm,
I am fire,
all this warmth,
is my desire" (x13)

If you are not of the fire element, chant:

"I am warm
warm as fire,
all this warmth,
is my desire" (x13)

LBRP Banishing

LBRP is a pretty standard non-wiccan banishing. I thought of it at work and decided to post it when I got home.

I'm going to skip the first part for now since I'm really tired and it's more of a power-up than part of the actual banishing.

In the east draw the pentagram like in the picture on the link and say "Yod-Hey-Vow-Hey" then point into the center and visualize the pentagram going off into the distance.

Do the same thing in the South and say "Ah-doh-nai"

Then in the West and say "Ey-Yay"

And then the north and say "Ahg-lah"

When done stand in the center and say "before me, Raphael. Behind me, Gabriel. At my right, Michael. At my left, Auriel." Picture the angels standing just outside where you drew the pentagrams and feel the angels protecting you.

Hold out your arms like a cross and say "about me flames the pentagrams and in the column shines the six-rayed star.


3 parts Rose
2 parts Gardenia
1 part Lemon
1 part Lotus
1 part Ambergris

Mix in a small bottle.

Wear to honor the Goddess during rituals.



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